/* Compressed with CompressRexx v2.1, (C) 1993-96 Robert Hofmann */
Options Results;Parse Arg quote' 'reason;'Channels';mychans=result;'GetAwayState';mystate=rc;Call Setclip('DFxTIME',Time());If Words(mychans)=0 Then Exit;If reason~="" Then Do;If mystate=0 Then Do;sentence="";Call GETAWAYQUOTE();If sentence="" Then Exit;Do count=1 To Words(mychans);"Raw PRIVMSG "Word(mychans,count)" :"d2c(1)"ACTION "sentence" "d2c(2)"[AWAY]"d2c(2)" «DWaRFx» - "d2c(2)reason d2c(1);End;"Echo P="d2c(27)"x«DWaRFx» You have been set AWAY using «DWaRFx» "d2c(2)reason;"Raw AWAY :"d2c(2)REASON;End;Else Do;'Echo P='d2c(27)'x«DWaRFx» 'd2c(2)'ERROR:'d2c(2)' You are already set as being away smeg head!';End;End;Else Do;If mystate=5 Then Do;sentence="";Call GETBACKQUOTE;If sentence="" Then Exit;Do count=1 To Words(mychans);"Raw PRIVMSG "Word(mychans,count)" :"d2c(1)"ACTION "sentence" "d2c(2)"[BACK]"d2c(2)" «DWaRFx» "d2c(1);End;"Echo P="d2c(27)"x«DWaRFx» You have been set BACK using «DWaRFx»";"Raw AWAY :";End;Else Do
'Echo P='d2c(27)'x«DWaRFx» 'd2c(2)'ERROR:'d2c(2)' You are not set as being away you gimp!';End;End;Exit;GETAWAYQUOTE:;awayquotes=5;If quote=0 Then quote=Random(1,awayquotes,Time(S));If quote>0 & quote<=awayquotes Then Do;Select;When quote=1 Then sentence="has got onto his spacebike and bummed off down to the cargo bay for more lager.";When quote=2 Then sentence="has slipped on his VR helmet and gloves and disappeared into Better Than Life.";When quote=3 Then sentence="has had £50 stuffed into his wallet at gunpoint & is now hiding under the table trying to avoid a bar-room tidy - UNRUMbLE!.";When quote=4 Then sentence="is scrabbling through Kochanski's knickers and trying her bra's on while she is in the shower.";When quote=5 Then sentence="has gone to surgery for a limb to be hacked off after getting infected by Mr Epideme!";End;End;Else Do;'Echo P='d2c(27)'x«DWaRFx» 'd2c(2)'ERROR:'d2c(2)' No [AWAY] quote with the number 'd2c(2)'quote'd2c(2)'!';End;Return;GETBACKQUOTE:;backquotes=5
If quote=0 Then quote=Random(1,backquotes,Time(S));If quote>0 & quote<=backquotes Then Do;Select;When quote=1 Then sentence="has stumbled back to the AR unit carrying a beer milkshake and a vindaloo.";When quote=2 Then sentence="has had his face smeared with jam & was about to be eaten by killer ants so he has decide to return Back To Reality.";When quote=3 Then sentence="has had his shoulder re-located and his cracked rib & bruise sucked from his body, now he's recovering from going to the little boys room.";When quote=4 Then sentence="has seen al Kochanskis lingerie and hears her getting out of the shower so he returns to his ordinary duties as if nothing has happened.";When quote=5 Then sentence="has returned with no arm! Luckily Kryten is on 24 hour wipe alert (although without Miss Kochanskis approval!).";End;End;Else Do;'Echo P='d2c(27)'x«DWaRFx» 'd2c(2)'ERROR:'d2c(2)' No [BACK] quote with the number 'd2c(2)'quote'd2c(2)'!';End;Return